I want to give you a true glimpse into the daily life of a professional soccer player…. I kind of hate to do this because I’ve discovered that most people have an overly glamorous picture in their head of what my life in Europe is like and I don’t want to spoil that. But, here’s the truth…
It’s awesome!
I get to live in a wonderfully welcoming foreign country and kick a ball for a living. I live with two awesome teammates and all three of us evenly distribute most of our time between eating, training, the gym, and sleeping. A couple of us enjoy reading; two of us enjoy baking. I spend time studying, one of my roommates never misses her TV shows, and my other roommate is a great guitar player and is teaching me to play.
We love to explore out cute little town and have staked out the best coffee shop with fabulous soy cappuccinos and free wi-fi. But, you might be surprised to know that this still does not take up all of our time. So, sometimes we have the opportunity to record our adventures and put fun videos together with the sole purpose of making our friends and family smile… hope you enJOY!
This is from an afternoon spent at our keeper coach’s family’s lake house:
This is what happened when we went to the ostrich farm just outside our city…yes I do realize that there are no ostrich in the video — we got a bit distracted.
Although we do have a car, our favorite mode of transportation is our bikes. This will show you why…
**Special recognition goes to Laura Novikoff for her video editing skills**