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Alex Scott Player Blog: Cyprus, Florida, Boston, England…What’s Next?

Well here I am again. Hello all. I know how long it has been since I last did a blog. The fact of the matter is that it seems that blogging has gone to a whole new level these days and we have a lot of new kids on the block and I thought I would take a back seat and let you all get nicely acquainted with hearing fresh new stories and different people’s perspective on all things the WPS and life in different cities etc. It is strange however but I do feel I have an obligation to you all to start blogging again… why? Well simply because I have had tweets from you, I have peopling asking me to write again and simply because I like hearing from you all also, so why not ay, so here we go again another year of blogs from Alex Scott.

So short intro just in case I have any newbie’s to my Blog: I started this little adventure of mine in 2009. I left my London roots uprooted myself when I got drafted to the Boston Breakers in the all new professional women’s soccer league … Along the way I have had some great times that I have had to write about… seeing new sites seeing a lot of new cities across America and meeting a lot of fantastic people. One fact that you should know about me so you can choose if you want to continue reading, is that I write it how it is. If there is something I want to say I am going to go ahead and say it, what’s the point of beating around the bush on things right? I say and believe: Be true to who you are and the rest will follow. Well its gotten me this to this point in my life so I may as well continue with it, ha.

Where would you like me to start is the question here, because all of you that follow women’s soccer (football) may well be aware that this year is not just an ordinary year, this year in fact is Huge… HUGE. I will say it one more time… this year is huge. Why is it huge you ask… erm well yano there is just this little thing called the World Cup that is being held in Germany. Errrrrr Hello, wow!!!! I get excited, I get tingles thinking about it…. To play in a World Cup is a dream come true for me.


I remember back when I was eight and I used to rush home from school to go out and play soccer with the boys.  We had this game called World Cup… basically you would pair up, you would pick which country you wanted to be.  Most of the time me and my brother would be Brazil (well if we were fast enough to shout out the countries name before anyone else). Who did not want to be Brazil back in the day when they had players like the one and only true Ronaldo and players like Roberto Carlos?  Oh and also the little matter of being mixed race so me and my bro both looked like we could have come from Brazil…well maybe, ha. Anyway there would be about eight pairs, one goal (jumpers for goalpost) one goalie. If your pair scored a goal you would be through to the next round.  Each round someone would be eliminated till you got to the final. Let me tell you, to get to and win the final was not some ordinary thing.  Back in the day being in the final was like being in a actual World Cup final (not that I know what that feels like just yet – European Final, yes – World cup final, maybe this year, ha).  There was everything at stake and all to play for you know….. Winning this little World Cup game would mean you had bragging rights in the neighborhood, you were cool, you were hip, you were World Cup champions for all of……. wait for it…… one day, lol. Until you came home from school the next day and did the same thing all over again. But you get the picture here. Everyone involved in soccer (football): To play in a World Cup is what dreams are made of and for me if I am lucky enough to work hard and play well and get picked in the final roster… I will be going on the plane to Germany to play in my second World Cup.

So let’s pull all this back in shall we?  We know the big picture here is the World Cup… but what about all the things that lead up to the World Cup, like all the training that has to be put in, the fact that there is still a WPS season to play in and be a part of and then still living life in general – yano, the everyday regular activates that go on in my life?  Well just so you have a heads up, this year’s worth of blogging will mainly be about the above things, I am only too willing to invite you all along for the ride with me :0).


Where am I now??? I am sitting on a British airways flight on my way to London Heathrow.  The flight is not too bad (I shouldn’t speak too soon) but those who may be aware, me and flying are not the best of friends…. I do not know if it gets worse with age because you think too much and analyze every detail or it’s just me being a big well yano…wimp!  I have my normal companion to the right of me, Kelly Jayne Smith, who also plays for the Breakers and the England women’s national team. She has invested in some lovely Bose headphones… I am still trying to figure out if it is to block out the plane noise or if it is actually to block out my little yelps of horror every time we hit some turbulence. Maybe one day she will tell me the truth.

After spending two weeks in Cyprus with the national team, it was time to fly straight to Florida for 10 days of preseason with the Breakers.  There is no way you can complain about doing preseason when you are waking up to sunshine every morning and have lovely surroundings. Most of the core of the Breakers from the 2010 season are still there, along with some fresh new faces…. Going back to the Breakers is just like going back to family. It is such a family atmosphere and when you get back to the team it really feels like you have never been away. So from Florida we flew back to Boston for two days where we had training and a scrimmage (friendly game). Then it was back to the hotel to pack my bags and get on the plane I am on now to head back and play for my national team against none other then the US of AAAAAAA.  Sorry if it all went a bit too fast there, but I was trying to bring you all up to speed with things.

As part of World Cup preparations we are playing the USA team. I have played USA twice now, one game in China score line 1 – 1 (just to remind all that I actually popped up with the goal in that game… Don’t be too shocked ok, lol) the 2nd time around was in the quarterfinal of the 2007 World Cup.. Score line…. Ermmmmm 3 – 0 USA.  So it’s been four years and it is a good time to test our self against one of the leading nations in women’s soccer. This time around is a little different however.   This time around I am facing not just the American team but I am facing friends. Over the past 3 years I have like I said in the earlier part of this blog met some fantastic people and a big handful of them being on this team. So it’s going to be a little weird lining up against them but something that I am really looking forward to :0) I am also glad that they have got to come to England to experience my culture like I have theirs.


So I think that wraps things up nicely for now. I have brought you up to speed with a quick recap (well maybe not quite so quick as I do tend to go on a little, ha).

Be sure to look out for the result or just tune in and watch the game live on ESPN on April 2nd… Even better really.

I have filmed an interview for an ESPN documentary that is going to be aired before the World Cup about Kelly Smith’s career.  I will let you know more about that because that is one you all definitely will not want to miss.  There are a few more things in the pipeline too: A TV series documentary following me up to the World Cup.. this will be with my work through Puma and should be a good old laugh… and as always be sure to check out the Boston Breakers website for video interviews, team challenges, etc., etc., etc., lol.


Until next time, wish me safe travels, I wish you safe health.

Love and peace,

Your English Boston Beaker


Alex Scott


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